Visitor’s guide

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The building that houses the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate is an architectural landmark of the Capital of the Republic and is open to welcome visitors interested in learning more about the Brazilian legislative branch.

Here, deputies and senators, elected representatives of the people and the states, devote themselves to discussing and making laws, overseeing and controlling the acts of the Executive branch, and approving the Federal Government budget, among other duties of key importance to Brazil.

We hope that the tour of the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate expands the understanding of the history and the role of these two democratic institutions.

In order that you make the most of the tour of the National Congress, please note the following guidelines:

The tours of the National Congress are free of charge and offered in partnership between the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. Mediators from both Houses take turns in guiding groups.

The duration of the tour is about 60 minutes.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays the tours of the National Congress are restricted to groups booked in advance.

On weekends and holidays, visitor access is through the main ramp, at the entrance of the Palace, facing the Esplanade of Ministries. The group is welcomed at the Black Hall.

On business days, the reception is transferred to the “Chapelaria” (White Hall, on the lower level). Pay close attention to the signs at the beginning of the ramp.

On business days, the maximum limit per group is 50 people. On weekends and holidays, the limit is 70 people.

On Mondays and Fridays, just present yourself to the service desks of the Visit the Congress Program and wait for the following tour. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays booking is mandatory for groups with any number of people.

On weekends and holidays, there is no need to book in advance. Groups are dealt with on a first-come first-served basis.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, booking is necessary for groups with any number of people, whatever the language.

On Mondays and Fridays, groups with more than 15 people, or those who wish tours offered in other languages such as English, Spanish, French and Libras (Brazilian Sign Language), must book in advance.

Advance booking is also recommended for people with disabilities or limited mobility.

Click here to book.

The appointed time must be kept, as tours take place every half hour and several groups are scheduled successively.

In the case of early or late arrival, the service will depend on the schedule for the day and staff availability. Should any unforeseen events arise, please contact the Public Relations sector of either House.

According to the convenience of specific sectors of the two Legislative Houses, it is possible to visit areas not included in the standard tour itinerary.

In the Senate, special tours may occasionally be booked to the Archives, Printing, and Communication Media Departments, and to the Senate’s plant nursery, for example.

In the Chamber of Deputies, likewise, tours to specific areas of the House may be booked.

Visits to the offices and contact with senators and deputies should be directly requested to the respective parliamentarians’ staff.

Visitor service runs from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. But please be reminded that, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, only previously booked groups are received and conducted on guided tours.

Exceptionally, due to parliamentary work schedule or maintenance work, the tours may be temporarily suspended.

We recommend that you consult the website or even call the contact phone numbers in order to confirm that the visitor service is operating normally.

On business days, people are not allowed to enter wearing bermuda shorts, shorts, tank tops, miniskirts and flip-flops. These restrictions do not apply to children under 12 years of age.

We recommend pants, long or short sleeve shirts, dresses or knee length skirts.

In some circumstances, such as in solemn sessions, or places like the Tribune of Honor of the Senate Plenary, or the Green Hall of the Chamber of Deputies, men are required to wear a suit and tie. If you have any queries, get in contact.

Disposable pants, made of non woven fabric, are sold at the Chamber little store, in case the visitor is wearing shorts or bermuda shorts. The store is located at the entrance of the White Hall.

The Visit the Congress Program offers Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) interpreters, printed material in Braille, tricycles and power wheelchairs.

In order to facilitate the availability of these resources, advance booking is recommended.

All visitors, and their belongings, must pass through a metal detector. Weapons of any type must be temporarily left with one of the Legislative Police officers.

Food or beverages of any kind are not allowed during the tour. There are some restaurants and cafés in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate. If you are interested, ask the guides or receptionists for information. On weekends and holidays, however, the restaurants and cafés are closed.

Provided that the equipment is not professional, photographing and filming throughout the tour is allowed, except in the Plenaries when there are sessions.

During the tour, turn off your cell phone or put it in silent mode.

The works of art exhibited in the areas visited are a heritage of all Brazilian citizens. Do not touch the sculptures and do not use flash to photograph the paintings. Help preserving them for future generations.

For souvenirs, visit the Chamber little store, at the entrance of the White Hall.

Those exclusively interested in attending the plenary sessions must report to the galleries of the Plenaries (after identification at one of the building entrances), and follow the procedures below:

  • Pass through X-ray screening;

  • Leave objects such as purses, backpacks, cameras, cell phones, books, caps, among others, in the storage facilities located at the entrance of the galleries;

  • Follow the “guidelines on dress code”;

  • Do not speak up;

  • Do not lean on the railings of the galleries.

It is recommended to check the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate websites to confirm the session type and time. Admittance to the galleries is subject to security aspects and to seating capacity.

The Itamar Franco Historical Museum sits in the Noble Hall of the Federal Senate and displays works of art, objects and furniture of former headquarters, when the Senate was located in Rio de Janeiro. The museum opens daily for public visitation from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The Museum of the Chamber of Deputies holds several exhibitions of its vast collection, such as the Official Gifts exhibition, in the Green Hall.

The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate host, throughout the year, several institutional, historical, artistic and photographic exhibitions on a temporary basis.

Pay close attention to the agenda published on the websites of both Houses.

The Academic Luiz Viana Filho Library, of the Federal Senate, was one of the first set up at the time of the Brazilian Empire and holds a collection specialized in Social Sciences. The library is open to external users, on business days, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The nearest entrance is through the 2B block of the Senate, on N2 Street.

The Pedro Aleixo Library is part of the Documentation and Information Center of the Chamber of Deputies and has a collection of roughly 200,000 volumes. It is one of the largest libraries in Brasilia and in the country.

External users may carry out research on the premises on business days, from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. The Library is located in Annex 2 of the Chamber of Deputies.

Both libraries have a good part of their collections available in the online version. Visit:

The full text of the Brazilian Federal Constitution is available on the websites of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, and can be downloaded in pdf format.

Printed versions can be purchased in both Houses. Orders can be placed ​​by Internet. Also check the points of sale of the Senate Bookstore and of the Chamber Editions or ask about their location at the service desks.

Tour buses and passenger vehicles can park along Alameda dos Estados, a street on the Ministries Esplanade, facing the National Congress Palace, where flags of the Units of the Federation are displayed.

At the end of the tour, please register your opinion about the Visit the Congress Program in the book Word of the Visitor.

Compliments, criticism and suggestions are analyzed and answered, serving as an aid to improve the program of visits to the National Congress.

  • Secretariat of Public Relations of the Federal Senate:

+ 55 (61) 3303-4671 or 1588 or 4410.


  • Department of Public Relations and Publicity of the Chamber of Deputies:

+ 55 (61) 3216-1771 or 1772 or 1768.


Como chegar

Como chegar ao Congresso Nacional

Congresso Nacional

Praça dos Três Poderes, Zona Cívico-Administrativa - Brasília - DF
CEP - 70165-900


Praça dos Três Poderes - Brasília, DF - CEP 70160-900
Fale com o Senado: 0800 0 61 2211
Fale com a Câmara: 0800 0 619 619